Product Code: LIM-CAT-L0072-00019
Categories: Automotive Equipment
Tags: Practice-Relevant Standard Vehicle Gasoline Engine Used for Dismanteling
Practice-Relevant Standard Vehicle Gasoline Engine Used for Dismanteling
Practice-relevant standard vehicle gasoline engine (used for dismanteling)
Self contained, fully operational engine installed in a mobile frame. Educational training engine is based on original (refurbished) components of vehicle. Training engine is a great educational tool that allows students to learn the structure of the engine and its components, power supply system, cooling system, engine control system. It also allows to study components and operation modes of the engine control system, perform various measurements, tests and other diagnostic procedures
Petrol engine
Motronic Injection system (e-Pedal Drive)
Vehicle is complete, but not necessarily functional (also accident damage or engine damage)
Engine is able to be turned – not blocked
Non identical shaft gearbox (front wheel drive)
Front brake with floating calipers
Rear brake with drum brake.
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